Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Helpful Finds

Hej everyone. Before I get into this post, I'd like to address where I've been. You may have noticed that the month of October has been a bit lacking in (more like devoid of) Swedish posts. That's because I've been prepping for NaNoWriMo.
For anyone who doesn't know what that is; NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. The goal is to write a 50,000 (or more) word novel during the month of November. For me, that means plotting all October. That also means that November will be a bit slim on blog posts as well.

I've been a writer for a while, and sometimes everything else has to take a back seat for a bit. After all, I can't get paid for it if I don't do it.

I haven't been neglecting my studies completely, however. I've been turning up the passive learning, which I'm pretty sure is important too. And in this post I want to pass along some of the things I've been using to keep my Swedish fresh.

*Also, I'm planning on creating a resources page in the near future. If you have any free resources you think should be included, send an email to me at tillswedish[at]gmail[dot]com. (hint: [at] = @ and [dot] = . ) I've had some questions about that recently.*

Now on to the good stuff.

Aftonbladet is an online tv channel, or better yet, a tv channel's website (probably). It has a live stream, news clips, sports, etc. My favorite part of the site is the show Viral TV. It's interesting or funny internet clips from around the world, hosted by two Swedes who speak Swedish (which is the point). I've been tuning in when the storytelling part of my brain needs a break and the rest of me needs a laugh.

Dar.fm is an online radio recorder. You can sign up for free (some features cost money but you don't need those). Once you're logged in, pick your radio station, set it to record (up to five hours), then come back later and download the mp3 files. This is actually good for just recording radio in general, but I've found a enough Swedish stations make it worth mentioning here. I'm sure you could use it for learning any language, but I haven't looked into countries other than Sweden and U.S. yet.

That's all I got for this post. I hope these are as helpful to you as they are to me.

Just a reminder, group 4 verbs are still on their way, I just have to figure out the best way to post them. Group 4 is a tricky group, at least it is to me.

Tack så mycket for stopping by.
Hej då.