Thursday, September 18, 2014


When I started this blog almost a month ago, the weather was warm. Now, it's starting to get cold. I know that it's only been a month since I started, but I feel like I'm not moving fast enough to meet my goal. I want to start speaking competently, and as soon as possible. So, while I'm learning the last two groups of verbs, I'll also be taking on other parts of speech. The sooner I understand the parts, the sooner I can understand the mechanics of using them together. When that happens, you may be seeing video updates in Swedish.

So today I want to talk about pronouns. Pronouns refer to whoever is speaking or is being spoken to, or is being spoken about.

Example 1: I - jag
                 you - du
                 he - han
                 she - hon
                 we - vi
                 them - de/dom

Example 2: me - mig
                     you - du
                    him - honom
                    her - hennes
                    us - oss
                    them - dem/dom

Example 3: my/mine - min
                    your(s) - din
                    his - hans
                    her(s) - hennes
                    our(s) - vår
                    their(s) - deras

So with these, we are one step closer to forming complete sentences.

I feel a little better now that I've picked up a little new information. I knew a lot of these already, but not all.

Tack så mycket for stopping by.

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