Sunday, December 28, 2014

Video corrections

So it's been just over a week since my first Swedish video went up. I have to say, I did not anticipate the amount of feedback that I received. Shortly after uploading, I submitted the link to /r/svenska. Within minutes I was getting tips on how to sound more natural, corrections on pronunciation, and all sorts of ego boosting compliments.

The compliments were nice, but the feedback was why I was there.

After I posted the video, I showed it to my Swedish friend. He approved but commented on my accent. He told me that I sounded American, but it's ok because an American "can't break from the American accent".

Some of the feedback from reddit was pretty similar. My pronunciation isn't the best. I could use the excuse Well I'm just a beginner, but that wouldn't be accurate. The truth is, I glossed over much of the early stuff like pronunciation. The result is, I don't sound as good as I want. Sure, I'm understandable, but why settle for just understandable when I know I could do better?

So where are my issues? 

Vowels. Specifically  o, a, u, y.
So I went to forvo and listened to the words where I was pronouncing these letter incorrectly. 

Tala(r). I used it quite a bit. It's the word I know to convey the idea of speaking. But it was pointed out to me that 'talar' sounds too formal, and to sound more natural I should use 'prata'.

Det är slutet. I used it to signify the end of the video. In my mind it was correct, and it was understood to mean the end of my video. However, it just doesn't sound natural. 'Det var allt' would have been a better choice for 'that's it'.

The rest of my issues were mostly grammar, and I'm not surprised by that at all. Swedish has a lot of patterns and rules, and I just don't know them all yet. I'll get the hang of it eventually though.

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